The Training Directorate of PUNCH Media Foundation (PMF) organised a soft skill training for the Punch Nigeria Limited team across divisions on Monday, 27th March 2023 at its training centre, PUNCH Place, Magboro, Ogun State.
Two insightful sessions on emotional intelligence and good work ethics were facilitated by Mr Dele Aina, Head of Training Directorate, PMF; and Mr Siji Oluwunmi, Principal Partner/CEO, Solubss Professional Services Ltd. respectively.
PMF Head of Programmmes & Research, Ms Rebecca Erureh, welcomed participants from the different divisions of PUNCH including the PMF staff to the training. In her welcome address, she expressed the need for and emphasised the import of emotional intelligence on productivity.
Setting the tone for his session, Mr Aina alluded to Alvin Toffler’s quote that “an illiterate is not one who cannot read or write, but one who is unwilling to learn, unlearn and relearn”, thus, emphasizing the need for participants to be open-minded to the principles and insights to be shared in the training.
In addition, he used Daniel Goleman’s framework to explain the importance of emotional intelligence to success in any human endeavor, while maintaining that a high IQ alone is not sufficient to achieve success in life and in business, but rather, sound character traits like tenacity, self-control, and good social skills, are needed to get along with others in and out of the workplace.
Similarly, Mr Oluwunmi made a list of some components of good work ethics, such as: integrity, thoughtfulness, helpfulness, efficiency, and friendliness. He, therefore, based on these ingredients, described office etiquette as the good judgment and polite behavior that is expected from a person who is trained to do a job well.
Participants looked forward to receiving similar training in the future while expressing their delight about the wealth of knowledge of the trainers, their capacity to effectively communicate the modules, and the timeliness of the training.
The training, organized by PMF, aims at building an efficient work environment characterised by high professional conduct and seamless collaboration among staff members toward achieving organisational goals.